Miss you lots, my paper boy!
To a great friend and work colleague you really did keep smiles on our faces. From all your friends at newsprinters.
To a great friend and work colleague you really did keep smiles on our faces from all your friends at News Printers xx
Gone far too soon. Rest in peace Andy.
Sincere condolences to all the family on the loss of a true gentleman. RIP Andy xx
Andy Hales, what a legend 💛.. Grateful to have shared so many happy memories x
Love to you all. 💛
Thoughts are with you and the family today ❤️
To my first best friend (and sometimes my biggest adversary). All my love, the little sister and family 💛💛💛💛
To a lovely man, who will be missed by many...RIEP Andy Love from the Jackson family xx
So very sorry for your loss x
Donated on behalf of all at Newsprinters in memory of our colleague and team mate Andy.
Amazing cause for an amazing man. Sending all our love to you all at this difficult time xx
Dear Andy, thanks for being a fantastic friend. j have so many lovely memories XXX
A super person and a very good friend - a real privilege to have known.
In memory of one of the most genuine and kind hearted people we've had the pleasure of spending time with. He'll be missed.
I wish I could contribute more. x